Hello, I want to say "thanks" to all for supporting us. From our side, we provide free templates of greeting cards for You. These templates are prepared according to the print houses' requirements, in CMYK color mode, TIF file format with separated layers. Also, you can use them for printing on cups, shirts, bags, and anywhere where you want with a full commercial license on printing products without any fee. Below you can find our addresses for donations for "ZSU". If you can't donate - please join us on FB or TG and tell about us. We will be glad to see any help. You do not need to buy this product - just follow the link and download the archive with templates.
Doge - DEj2mbdgaMeTCb3tF29pjtgAF8oAEpfJrs
TRX - TEZYkRNpDWjxcU4yqXy5o4zQeoBLHejkRv
USDT (ERC20) - 0x70E141b0d97DdF13E7439f908Ef53F81d8D18c1F
Credit card - 4797 5171 1002 9859
The Archive contains: side A (TIF), side B (TIF), image for an online store (JPG)
Link to download: https://link.storjshare.io/jx4iarnttzpei55v5kt6a6jktrva/freecards%2FWAR%2Ff%20is%203.zip
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/BestMinimalGreetingCards
Telegram - t.me/minimalgreetingcards